Today is the first day of summer. It is the longest day of the year. It's also the first day of The Earth Year Project. For the last few years, we have been preparing the ground, tilling the soil, and preparing for the seed we are planting today. There are no parades, balloons, or confetti. We are starting our journey to a cleaner, cooler, healthier planet quietly and without fanfare because...
The Earth Year Project Philosophy
Use more brain and less money! (100% efficiency and ZERO waste)
We call this principle conservative conservation. We hope to air our weekly videos every Monday for the next year. They focus on all kinds of ways to save money on energy and help slow the deadly heat build up that we are now experiencing. We will begin to explain in simple terms the true source of our current and continual heat build up. We will show you simple common sense things you can easily do to keep more money in your pocket and out of the gas and energy companies pockets. For years we have been researching. We have been assembling our data. We have spent time to find the best ways to communicate this information to you.
How much fuel was burned today to provide your energy today?
What is your fuel print?
What if you could have free gas and electricity? With one catch: You can only get it on sunny days!
When we speed in our vehicles, we greatly increase the oil companies profits.
If we drive our pick up trucks when we don't need to, we cost ourselves, our wives, children, grandkids, neighborhoods, and country gas that America can better use somewhere else. The more gas we use the more it costs.
America wastes 30% of its food annually.
Most of use more water daily than we need.
Unconscience waste costs America BILLIONS!
Looking forward to you seeing our first video on YouTube on Monday.
Though we ar starting slow the Earth Year Project is about to make a big, positive slow down of our deadly heat build up.
Here we grow!
First day of Spring. The pollen count in Atlanta is already severe. We've just experienced nine months in a row of world record setting high temperatures. In February, Chicago had temperatures over 80 degrees. We experinced 1.45 degrees hotter in 2023. It was the worlds hottest year ever. As threatening as this sounds working together we can begin to turn this life threatening situation around,
On March 20th for the first time in six months, there will be more light than darkness daily. At that time we will start posting regularly, getting ready for our April 22nd official pre-start date. Thanks for your interest and particapation in this successful, life saving project. We are about to make measurable poisitive changes to our world over the next year with your particapation. Stay tuned.
For the last 183 days, there has been more light than dark. Beginning tomorrow more dark than light, welcome to Fall ! As the Earth begins to cool naturally we will tend to forget about the heat and enjoy the cooler days. We have gone through the hottest summer in human history. The cooler months give us time to plan and react to the heat coming next summer. The ball is in our court. We have the opportunity to be better prepared for the scorching heat next summer.
Almost everyone, everywhere will be effected by the next great heat wave. There may be a few of us, however, that may not effected. Take this simple test to see if you are one of those that may not be effected.
1. Can you live with greatly increased energy costs?
2. Do you have an adequate cooling system?
3. Do you live in a place that has historically low temperatures?
4. Can you live without food?
If you answered NO to any of these questions than you will be effected by THE HEAT!
Let's take this time to wisely prepare for the future.
Our solutions are easier to explain. Easier to do. Something simple that actually helps in a big way right now. The best solutions at this time. Affordable, effective solutions. If you are interested in the environment you will be very interested in our material. A big FIRST STEP in the right direction, a step we can take together to make measurable, seeable and immediate benefits.
We believe in the power of individual action to create real change. Start small by reducing your carbon footprint at home, or join one of our campaigns to push for policy changes at a larger scale.
Education is key to building a sustainable future. Our resources cover a range of topics, from climate science to eco-friendly living tips. Explore our articles, videos, and podcasts to expand your knowledge.
This month we are contacting people and organizarions that may ne interested in playing some part in the Earth Year Project.. We have the most efficient and effective solutions to address the entire global warming situation. From now on we will call it GLOBAL HEAT.
Our plan is up to individuals, not government, nor corporations, you yourself, we ourselves! With our simple, quick cost saving solutions, working together we can slow the heat rise by 10%. Why not keep 10% more of your $ in your pocket?
We are now looking for state representatives to help us throughout the country. Soon we will be listing qualifications. Any questions may be asked on the Facebook page.
Climate change is a global crisis with far-reaching consequences. Earth Year Project is committed to combating climate change through advocacy, education, and promoting sustainable practices.
Hurricanes, floods, heat waves, meteorites and viruses. We wont be posting again until the 18th. You are welcome to comment on our Facebook page, Earth Year Project.
This is due to the passing of the spouse of our wonderful web hostess, Melissa. We do not think at this time the oil companies were involved.
Just as the sun radiates heat to us -we radiate heat as individuals. We do this with our body temperature. We do it with our appliances, autos, heaters and A/C's. Most modern human activities require heat.
So many things so many of us do so many times increase the temperature of the planet. Many of these things are necessary to our normal daily lives. So many of them aren't. So what? So slow down a little. Many people are already reaping financial rewards and better health. At the same time they are helping all of us and the entire planet.
So consider using less heat more often.
As the temperature rises, so will the awareness and the number of people that begin to take action on man's greatest challenge.
We hope you will join us in taking our first steps in a 365 day hike. We are hoping more and more people will join us along the way. See what you can do to reduce your personal point-source heat. Share it with us and your friends.
Our sponsor, ChattART, has a record of making accurate future predictions. We began to assemble material for this project two years ago. We began our website two months ago. We began when we did to coincide with the Earth's hottest month in history,
Our goal is to get as many people as possible to spend as little time as possible to educate themselves then use their common sense to apply this knowledge in their daily lives.
All it really takes is you and I making simple changes to a few daily habits. C'mon. It will be fun, and we can do it, we will do it! And we will all live happily ever after. (365 days!)
These solutions are the most positive change that can be initiated quickly and make a noticeable, measurable difference.
These solutions are in your hands. Not the governments or big businesses, just you and your ability to make true changes in your driving, buying and eating habits. More money in your pocket now and a more comfortable future for us all. The HEAT affects us all in so many unpositive ways. So many easy ways to cool things down. All of them are to our advantage. The sooner, the easier. We all like easier!
Sea-stoppage deals with the movement of ocean water, currents, tides, etc., or rather the lack of movement. This usually occurs most often during the changes of the tides. At the center of the ebb and flow of tides, as low tide turns back to high tide there is a time lapse where the water stands still.
We are looking at a new and most dangerous potential for an extreme sea-stoppage.
The cold water from our poles, due to its temperature, moves towards the equator. The hot water from the equator moves out toward the poles. When they clash together their impact creates our wind, weather and ocean currents. There is no way of knowing what the impact of having no ice will have on our current weather patterns. Both the ocean and wind currents will be greatly affected. The sun and the ice are responsible for all earth's weather patterns. They together are the great machine that rule the planet's temperature, just as the moon and gravity are the machines that control the tides. Sea-stop may cause a great slow down in our weather. Every plant and animal on earth will be affected. Crops and humans won't escape. Sea-stop is closer than most realize. We must do everything in our power to slow it's arrival, and prepare for its arrival.
A tipping point is a point that moves rapidly from one situation to the next. If you are in a canoe and you lean a little bit nothing happens. Lean a little bit more and nothing happens. Lean a little bit more and splash. You have just reached the tipping point.
Water has two tipping points. At 33* its water. At 32* its ice. At 211* its water. At 212* it becomes a boiling gas. If you take a little piece of concrete from the foundation of a building, nothing happens, Take another piece and still nothing. Take another and another eventually the building collapses. At first no one complained. Then a few.. Then more of the residents began to complain. The owner of the building denied it was happening and through out those that complained. No one else said or did anything else. Then they all were crushed. The building had reached its tipping point.
Right now there are those that try to hide or deny the coming challenges. Too many pieces of nature's foundation, the foundation of our lives, are being removed daily. Our weather system is reaching a tipping point. We are near collapse. Rapid HEAT spikes are just ahead. The change will not be gradual. Temperatures have accelerated up to 10% in many areas around the globe. While there are no permanent solutions yet to overcome this dangerous situation, there are solutions to slow and minimize its effects. This project is the most efficient and effective remedy until an overall solution is discovered.
All it takes is for all of us to push the same direction at the same time. Time is crucial. We and everyone else on the planet so much appreciate your good help.
The ice caps have been here for 100,000 years. We have no idea what the weather and other earth conditions will be without them. We do know it will be very different and cause great difficulty. Our ice caps and weather are quickly reaching the tipping point.
Sorry to be so bleak and paint such a dark picture of our future. Without accurate facts the proper solution will never be found. Awareness will spur action. The sooner we understand, the sooner we will act. Everyone wants the best for themselves and family. Hopefully we are wiser than our history indicates, most of us anyway. Unfortunately, being just a little off track when dealing with THE HEAT can be fatal.
Wise, effective prompt action has never been needed more.
The more people participating the sooner the "cool change" comes.
Coming in August 100 mpg vehicles.
1. Using more of anything than is needed.
2. To use anything you don't need.
Water, food, gas, time, money, all kinds of energy. You name it, we waste it.
Because we have been able to use so much for so long, we have developed a wasteful lifestyle. Generally speaking low income people waste very little, financially well off waste much more- Larger homes (heating and cooling), larger cars (more gas), burn more electricity, buy more products and travel more. The wealthy can buy better insulation, more efficient appliances, solar panels, etc.. So many products are now earth friendly. So many new ways to save you time, energy, and money,
Help yourself and the planet. It's a good deal for your good deeds.
One of the best ways you can spend is to help defeat the HEAT in your life by controlling your personal point source HEAT and WASTE. Its the key to your personal comfort and maybe survival.
Play it smart
Do your part
Time to start
Follow your heart
Cool it people
Enclosed spaces can produce "mega HEAT". Our planet is enclosed in our atmosphere. Heat in enclosed spaces gets very hot very quickly. Heat in an enclosed car can reach over 150*. A room in your home with the door closed tightly can be heated by one light bulb. Kitchen heat can sometimes warm the whole house. Because the heat is invisible we think it disappears. Actually it is mixing with surrounding air and warming it slightly. Green house gasses and ozone depletion are only part of it. Combined with our continual thirst for point source heat services and products, we jeopardize the life of the entire planet. So much of it can be controlled so easily. Our earth is an "enclosed system". We have a layer of sky about 60 miles thick that acts like a glass shield, keeping air in and space out, also keeping all the heat we produce in.
Common sense conservation
When you understand the importance and urgency of future change, it will be much easier to adopt a better, less expensive, healthy way to enjoy life rather than struggling to survive.
We were going to continue with our daily updates just as they were on the 17th and the 18th (below(. We have been really just repeating information that is common sense and you can find in other internet sites. Because this is so important and we have information that others don't have, we are going to make our philosophy on actual reasons for the HEAT and common sense solutions available starting now.
Most importantly a new term we will all soon be hearing everywhere. Its called POINT SOURCE HEAT.
People find it hard to understand THE HEAT explanations given today concerning green house gasses, ozone layers and carbon levels. We want to identify a simpler more accurate description of the source of THE HEAT.
Anything that produces or radiates HEAT.
Examples of point source heat:
Pretend like the earth is getting colder, what will we do if it threatens our lively hoods? We would build heaters and distribute them all over the world. When freezing weather comes to the Florida Orange Groves, they put heaters in the fields to heat the whole outdoors. We have 100 million large heaters going everyday in America. They burn 20 million barrels of oil everyday. We are not warming oranges, we are trying to get from one place to the next. We call these heaters cars. Auto engines are fire machines. That's how they work, BURNING fuel. Surface heat eventually raises the overall temperature everywhere both in the sky and ocean.
Autos are only part of the problem. Man is the real heat producer. In America we each require a certain amount of energy daily. Somewhere something is being burned to make that happen. At home, cooking, TV's. tools. refrigerators, lights, are used by all of us everyday. They produce heat in our homes , businesses and power plants. Double point source heat. Where it is being generated and where it is being used. Other point sources: water heaters, space heaters. coffee pots, toasters, clothes dryers, and campfires. Point source heat is everywhere. It is man made and only man can stop it. Looking at it this way, now maybe people can get an idea of the challenges we face and our opportunity to do better. If you touch it and it feels hot, it's probably point source heat.
There are many simple and inexpensive ways each of us can help today Small, simple changes IN DRIVING, BUYING AND EATING HABITS if done by enough people it can add up quickly. This helps us buy time by postponing the full force of THE HEAT while other permanent solutions are being worked on.
We urge all environmental groups to study and test this theory of heat production, and help work on immediate solutions. Let's work together to educate, motivate and empower with knowledge as many people as possible.
Solution: Identify all of your point source heat sources. Use them as little as possible without being uncomfortable. Don't do without things you need. So often we waste water, food and energy without a thought. All of our wasted resources add up to a lot of $$ and pollution that you and I are personally responsible for generating. Point source heat. Use it less often and for less time. Use what you need and pocket that wasted money. Point source heat is everywhere. Surface temperatures have heating effects on all air and oceans of the planet. Play a game with yourself. Every week try to produce less point source heat. Treat yourself when you do. You deserve it! You are helping all the plants, animals and humans now and for years to come.
There is no escape from the heat. Some people think their wealth will insulate them from it.
They're in for a hot surprise!
Like having a car trunk full of money and you are locked in the car with the windows up on a sunny day. There is zero enjoyment in those dollars then my wealthy friends! When the power plants shut down from overload, how is that A/C working?
Backup generators? If blackouts continue you may have to defend it with your life.
Where will you get gas and groceries? How much will they cost? Prompt wise action now postpones and minimizes risk.
As the HEAT begins to rise, the wealthy have more to lose than anyone else. Also, right now, the wealthy have the opportunity to invest in so many energy saving products for huge financial gain. The potential for financial gain has never been greater than it is now. You can choose to become a winner financially with quick action while these opportunities exist.
Coming soon the real reason for the HEAT and real solutions!
Education is key to building a sustainable future. Our resources cover a range of topics, from climate science to eco-friendly living tips. Explore our articles, videos, and podcasts to expand your knowledge.
Deforestation is a major contributor to climate change. Earth Year Project encourages reforestation by planting trees and promoting sustainable forestry practices.
Carbon emissions contribute to climate change and air pollution. Earth Year Project advocates for reducing carbon footprints by promoting renewable energy and sustainable transportation.
Many products are harmful to the environment and contribute to pollution. Earth Year Project promotes eco-friendly products and encourages consumers to make sustainable choices.
Plastic waste is a major environmental issue affecting our oceans, marine life, and ecosystems. Earth Year Project advocates for reducing plastic waste by offering alternatives and promoting recycling.
The destruction of natural habitats and poaching have led to a decrease in wildlife populations. Earth Year Project works to protect wildlife through conservation efforts and raising awareness.
Climate change is a global crisis with far-reaching consequences. Earth Year Project is committed to combating climate change through advocacy, education, and promoting sustainable practices.
If it's 120* in Texas now____
If wildfires are burning all over the world now____
If weather changes are destroying agricultural crop fields now____
If its impossible to touch youe steering wheel now_____
If gas is $4 to $7 a gallon now____
What will it be like in 2034?
Spontaneous Combustion?
Last year U.S. citizens spent nearly 2% of their money on weather related expenditures.
Farmers will be most quickly and adversely affected by the coming HEAT.
Soaring temperatures means soaring costs for fuel and fertilizer. Faced with too much or too little rain from changing weather patterns make outdated farming practices questionable. We all rely on farmers for our daily food,
Soon there will be a great war. It involves the United States, Russia, China and all other countries. Soon mankind will be united in the war against HEAT. It is the greatest challenge mankind has ever faced. The sooner we make small changes the less large changes we will have to make in the future, This month we will make clear what the challenges are and the most effective solutions available at this time. Stay tuned for more important information coming soon.